Television Software


Has anyone ever tried downloading software to get t.v. channels. Does it work? How much? Can you get live broadcasts? If there is such a thing that I can get on my computer, I can transfer it to my t.v. , then throw away my dish. The more replies the better. Thanks:)
Has anyone ever tried downloading software to get t.v. channels. Does it work? How much? Can you get live broadcasts? If there is such a thing that I can get on my computer, I can transfer it to my t.v. , then throw away my dish. The more replies the better. Thanks:)

There is software you can download but it is not a good replacement for cable/satellite because you get random channels from countries you never even heard of and you don't have a lot of choice of channels.
Or you can get a card for your computer but you have to have good reception or you'll end up getting 5 channels. (This is all from personal experience)

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