I posted this in computer gaming and think its in the wrong place so i'm putting it here hoping for some answers.We have our own server (black ops) and one of the admin said that you cannot turn of the friendly fire,is that true as i dont like shooting my own.
Apparently ours doesn't have friendly fire on, so it is possible to turn it off. It will be in the config files somewhere. If you don't suss it by tomorrow, I'll ask Rampant and get back to you here or on Xfire
It appears that the Admin wants hardcore in TDM and you cant have hardcore without friendly kills and dogs,no bother to me i will play on someone
elses server.Thanks for the infor.
It appears that the Admin wants hardcore in TDM and you cant have hardcore without friendly kills and dogs,no bother to me i will play on someone
elses server.Thanks for the infor.
aah that may be why, ours may still be set to standard, though why, I'm not sure, all of our other servers are hardcore, and everyone in the clan plays hardcore