
tcp/ip is what computer use to talk to each other. all it does is alow all OS talk to each other without compatiblity issues. in other word windows can talk to mac and linux os with a problem. now you pc is tcp\ip to veiw this website and read what i have typed.
jesbax said:
tcp/ip is what computer use to talk to each other. all it does is alow all OS talk to each other without compatiblity issues. in other word windows can talk to mac and linux os with a problem. now you pc is tcp\ip to veiw this website and read what i have typed.
i dont what are u talking about!can u teach me!!!
It's a protocol which basically sets out how the computers talk to each other. Think about it as the computers' equivelant of a language. We understand each other because we both speak English, grammar, syntax, etc... are the same. Our computers can understand each other because they both use TCP/IP. Error checking, etc... is determined by the protocal, as is what info is contained in each frame.

I won't get into too much detail here, as it's all available easily on the internet, with better explanations than I can provide. I'd start with google for more info.