System Restore won't open


New Member
I ended up uninstalling or deleting my browsers search feature while trying to delete potential virus or spyware, after I did that I was like... o no! I didn't know how to get it back... I don't have any of my drivers or operating disks to reinstall, so I thought I could do a system restore. When I clicked on my System Restore shortcut in the All Programs menu, nothing happened, I tried again and the only thing that came up was the System Restore box but with no words or anything. I tried going through Control Panel but the same thing happens. After looking at some forums and doing some reading, someone suggested starting it from the Run command. The instructions stated to go to the Start>Run command and type in msconfig, hit enter, click on the button Launch System Restore. I did that and still nothing. Another suggested to Start>Run, type INF, find the sr.inf file & opening it... i think to reinstall it or sumthing, but the sr.inf file is not there, there is a file called sr but it is just a notepad file. Where do I go from here?
Are you sure you are infection free? Some infections will stop system restore from opening. There are other ways to do a system restore but its very entailed.