suspicious folder. how to delete undeletable?


New Member
I found a folder 8a38dbdf07dd25357de6af in my laptop in the main OS:\ folder. I cannot remove it or change anyhow. antivirus did not detect it at all. Is there any way to delete it or I will have to reinstall the entire OS?
I do not think that if it would be meant to be there, it should be called differently. This name next to Program Files and ProgramData sounds suspicious for me. By the way, the problem is solved with this video he had exactly the same kind of folder. if someone would ever need it
I do not recognise this file but I have had the same problem with others. I was able to go into C:, windows, programs and remove the file one piece at a time. I have never experienced adverse effects that way so the files were not necessary.
Deleting random files because the name is suspicious is a really bad idea. Especially if it's already in your Windows folder.
My computer had a folder with a similar title in the Windows folder once. I deleted it and five minutes later I'm back at square 1 with my Windows 7 install disc. Had to re-image the whole machine because I deleted BOOTMGR.
to each, but if I am not able to delete a suspecious file I would prefer to clean off the HD and reload. Like I say, that's a personal choice.
I received an overdraft notice from Wells Fargo, I knew I had over $3000 in my account so I checked and found I had been charged for such items as a pizza making machine and over $100 charge from McDonalds in Atlanta GA and similar charges from 5 states in one day. It took me months to clear up the stolen identity damage. Every computer should be backed up with a mirror image on an external HD and all important documents stored there too. It takes about an hour to restore all programs, fully configured. It takes months to clean up a messy stolen identity situation.
Typically things like that fall on the user, and what sites they go to, programs they install, and files they download.

I'd say 99%+ of the time, you can catch things with an antivirus such as avast! or Kaspersky.

As far as your bank being broken into... Make your passwords a little stronger and don't store passwords anywhere but on paper and in a place only you know. You can also use incognito/private modes to ensure your browser doesn't store cookies from other sites.
Unlocker works for deleting files that can't be deleted and also Superantispyware has a remove option in the right click context menu.

I would Google the file name first and see if you come up with anything. If it wasn't suppose to be there scan your computer with Herdprotect, ADwcleaner, superantispyware and Malwarebytes. Better safe than sorry. Freefixer is good too, but you have to make damn sure you click "more info" in the list and know what you are doing. If you use Freefixer be sure to check the option to use MD5 and SHA hashes in the settings.