suround sound pc?


New Member
Ok before I ask my (probably stupid) question, let me just say that I know absolutly nothing about sound and how all this works but in my little head, i think there should be a way... because... well... why not! lol

I have a bunch of speakers that came with a dvd player (ya know for the tv and stuff) but I never hooked them up. Is there any way that I could hook them up to my computer? The ends are different then a regular audio jack (like a headphones jack). Is there a way to do this? some sound card that i could get or something I dont know? lol

Im big into music and like to blast it and jam out, so i thot it would be cool to hook my computer up with a system :D but im poor and dont want to spend alot on it :( lol
if it just has a regular audio jack on the end, you can plug that into the Green Output socket on your Sound Card.

what sort of plug end does the system have? (like a DVD player / Console etc.. (Red, White) ?)
You'll have to run a line out from your computer to a receiver/amp, and then hook up the speakers to the amp. I would generally look for either digital coaxial or optical connections, as they are the best.
Like the post before, you have analog and digital connections, Basically - Analog is Your 3.5mm Jacks on the Back of your Card, and Coxial and Digital send a digital signal which increases the all around fedility in your sound, they look either orange, or a black square, or a gray input. They are very easy to tell the difference. You should probably run a wire from your reciever, to your Cpu, Just get a Left-Right RCA to 3.5mm converter for the connection.
you might be able to just use a simple 3.5mm audio cable -> RW rca cable to hook it up, the only hard part is finding the aux button on the remote :rolleyes:
Just mod the cables?

If your soundcard is 5.1 it should work fine. Depending on card, it may want to detect the speakers..