Super 8mm to print


I have some old Super 8MM film. Is there anyway I can get it on my hard drive or cd and print pictures off of it?
Thank You;
If you mean negatives, many scanners can handle them (something small like this might address your needs. You can get more or less specific products depending on what you need.
They are not negatives just old Super 8 home movies. I don,t have a projector that works and would like to try and produce some prints from them. Any ideas? I hate to send them to have transfered to dvd, might lose or get damaged.
Thank You;
The only method I know is to use some sort of projector. I need to speak with my grandmother sometime because I think she had some sort of 8mm converter that allowed you to mount another camcorder near by to capture the video. I have some older 8mm videos of my own I'd been meaning to capture, but my projector's lamp is burnt out.
Well, if you had a film projector and a digital camera you could copy it over to VHS, DVD, MiniDV or even Hard Drive. Scanning the whole reel would probably take way to long and give some unwanted quality. I'd ask around to see if you can barrow a projector from someone. You can also ask around at public libraries to see if they have a projector you can use. Or... If you have money you can always just use a service to convert them for you, such as this one: or pay around $1,500 for a conversion machine.

Edit: You just want to print pictures, right? You can just scan it then. Don't know why I thought you wanted to convert a movie.
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Funny thing this conversation came up. Im doing this now the moment we speak. Asked a few people and bam, have two projectors. I made a deal with a neighbor i will convert and i keep the equipment. i set up a screen and focused the projector. set the movie camera on a tripod and captured it off the screen. Now my question is how can i crop the movie to get rid of the white screen?
If I have my movies put on a dvd, can I print photos from it. It would be the same as playing a regular dvd movie, and printing photos from it. Can this be done? If not I will try reparing my projector, and use camera to take photos.
Thank You;