Strange noise coming from my desktop.

Hello, Newbie here with a "strange noise coming from my computer" question.

It all started last week. I woke up in the middle of the night and found my computer making a strange grinding sound. It was like a fan or something scrubbing against something. So I simply shut the pc off. The following morning I started the pc up with no problems. No problems until I popped in a audio cd. It started doing it again. But this time it sounded like a fan running wide open and about to fly out of the pc. I shut it down again and started the thing back up, no problems throuh out the rest of the day. It did it again with my niece and scared her silly and she shut the pc down, Now here I am a week later. I checked the fans, cables, etc and blew the thing out with air. I couldnt find any problems everything seems to be working fine now. Any Idea what might be the problem or what might have happened? Thanks aubie.
If you've made sure all your fans are in place night and tight with cables out of the way it could possibly the hard drive starting to die. Oh and have you checked if the noise is coming from the fan in the power supply unit?