I would like to scribble bits and pieces on my CPU screen, with a marker pen.
I realise there exists software that substitutes as a marker pen for doing this sort of thing - but I'd rather do it by hand, with a real pen.
The question is, what is the best way to go about this?
Welcome to any ideas inside or outside of the box
Some of my own:
1) Construct some sort of glass cover for the screen, so I am not actually writing on the screen itself
2) special market pens that can easily wipe off a monitor screen?
Thanks all, I just know someone here will have a good solution!
I would like to scribble bits and pieces on my CPU screen, with a marker pen.
I realise there exists software that substitutes as a marker pen for doing this sort of thing - but I'd rather do it by hand, with a real pen.
The question is, what is the best way to go about this?
Welcome to any ideas inside or outside of the box
Some of my own:
1) Construct some sort of glass cover for the screen, so I am not actually writing on the screen itself
2) special market pens that can easily wipe off a monitor screen?
Thanks all, I just know someone here will have a good solution!