STOP Message with Wireless Card


Active Member
Ok, since i've gotten my new motherboard and installed it, everything works great except for one thing. Whenever I install my wireless card drivers and try and use the card i get a STOP 0x0000009c error message. I've poked around a bit and found out more than a few people who this has happened to, some got the latest drivers for their card, but none are avaliabe for mine (thanks SMC :mad: ). Im not sure what to do to fix this, but I have another wireless card im going to borrow from a friend sometime soon, but until then im stuck, any help is appreciated.
Have you searched around sites like driverguide(be prepared for banners and popups! O.O) Maybe someone will have an older driver, particually if the newer ones have problems.
The old and new ones all do the same thing.... I might buy a different wireless card and see if that works.