Static Sound - Mobo problem?


New Member
I recently finished setting up a PC. My mobo's an Asus P5B. I'm not sure if there's something wrong with my built in soundcard. I hear a prominent static sound over a faint static sound when there's mouse or CPU activity. It's not that noticable...not unless you go near the pc speakers. It's loud when you use earphones. There's nothing wrong with the speakers or my earphones. I tried them both on another pc. They both work fine. is this a common problem? Please help. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with any of my components. Just wanted to know if there's something I could do from my end to correct this. I've tried reinstalling the soundmax driver, lowering / muting all the items in the volume control window, except for the master volume...but the problem's still there. But of course, when I mute the Master volume, the static disappears. Please help. Thanks
There are two things maybe three to consider there. 1) audio jack 2) audio chip 3)dc line interference The first thing you can try if the volume level is all the way up on the sound mixer(software side) and Windows volume control is to lower one at a time to see if that clears up. You first lower the main a little and then the Windows volume control if needed.

A cold solder point or slight flaw in the audio chip could cause what probably sounds a lot like ac static. When using the mouse to open a window or start a program that also calls for some cpu time where the cpu starts to pull on power to some degree. The small draw there brings current through a component that may be leaking some type of rf. A loose or unshielded power connection would be another item.
Thanks for the insightful post. If installing a soundcard will do the trick, I'd probably go with that. It was my plan to install one anyway =) But won't this problem have an effect on my mobo in the long run? thanks for the help sirs
If it is the audio chip or a bad connection to the board like a colder solder point you won't notice this with an expansion card since the onboard has to be disabled in the bios. If there is another defect causing this on the board itself you can be sure that it will reveal itself sooner or later. You could simply picking up some rf from the power supply being heard through the audio. Don't forget whenever you raise the level on any sort of amplifier pc or otherwise there's always "something" like static anyways. A loose or unshielded connection, rf from a power source like the supply, or ?