New Member
Hey everyone I'm the new guy. I've been playing around with computers for a few years now but I've never really dug into 1 to see what makes it tick & what makes everything that is "seen" work....as in colors, fonts, websites, etc etc etc. I've talked to a few friends that have been in computers for years to try & help me get started into everything, & besides laughs (I think it's because I'm a ex-gearhead) they mention for me to start from scratch & find a linux system. I've read abit about the Linux system but I guess its going to be 1 of those things that need hands on experience for me to understand. I'm still kind of short on thought how thats going to help me master everything after it.
I think I got a cheat sheet in my favorites folder for all the little stuff like what .exe means or what HTML is etc etc etc. Most of the little notes I do have is from viewing sites through stumble, I've wasted so many hours stumbling lol. I'm starting school later this year & I'm hoping to take a computer class or 2. The same friends that laugh at me for wanting to study computers also said to learn hardware and stick with that but I'm not happy just studying 1 part & only 1 part. All help is appreciated, I have a feeling I'm going to be corrected & that is fine, I expect it
I think I got a cheat sheet in my favorites folder for all the little stuff like what .exe means or what HTML is etc etc etc. Most of the little notes I do have is from viewing sites through stumble, I've wasted so many hours stumbling lol. I'm starting school later this year & I'm hoping to take a computer class or 2. The same friends that laugh at me for wanting to study computers also said to learn hardware and stick with that but I'm not happy just studying 1 part & only 1 part. All help is appreciated, I have a feeling I'm going to be corrected & that is fine, I expect it