Specific IP Address


New Member
Hi, I need help - I'm trying to set up samba for my network, but I don't know how to find the ip address of specific computers on the network. What I mean is I can find a single ip address for the computers on the network, but I don't know how to use the network ID to call out a specific one, or even how to find the ID.

Thank you very much for any and all help,

if you want to know the IP of a specific computer which you know it's name
open cmd
and write this
it will reply to you like this
reply from xx.xx.xx.xx
or request timed out
which means the computer is not online right now
if you want to know the host name of a specific IP
get any program like NETSCAN
and search the IP range you want
it shows you the HOSTNAME of the IP
You can get a computer's like this:
For linux (KDE Only): Open up SuperKaramba and get the system_monitor theme (it can be found at http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=37963 . Open that up and you'll see the IP address in the "Networking" section of the widget. At this point I have no GNOME way. I don't really use GNOME outside of VMware.
For Windows (Windows XP): Open a DOS window and type "ipconfig" and you'll find your ip in there somewhere.
For Windows (2000 and lower): Open a run run box (Winkey+R) and type "winipcfg" to open the networking status box. You'll get more info than you ever needed about your network (and more) to keep you going.
Also, http://www.dougknox.com/ has the winipcfg utilit for Windows XP if you want to download it.

To access shared files or printers:

In Linux(Again KDE Only, but GNOME may have this option): Go to My Computer>Samba Shares and choose the device you want to access.

In Windows(all):
Go to "My Network Places" (Differs in different Windows versions) Choose "Entire Network" and choose the device you want to access.
**NOTE** You can also access a computer by typing "\\IP-ADDRESS-OR-COMPUTER-NAME" in the Run box (Winkey+R)

To remotely access a Linux machine through SSH:
On Windows and Linux: Download and install Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/)

Hope this helps.