Spec Of First Computer


New Member
Just wondering, what spec was the first computer you had?
The first computer im my house was a 486 DX266, 8Mb SD RAM, 628Mb HDD, running windows 3.1 that my dad bought. :o
Fujitsu Myrica-A (I think!)

400 mhz AMD k6-2, 64 megs of ram, 8 meg ATI graphics card, 10 gig hdd. Cutting edge!! Also had a 17" CRT monitor (which at the time was rather good!)

And all for the reasonable price of just under £1000!
Ah, a TAG (now defunt), the specs were an amazing:

AMD K6 @ 233MHz
2MB Voodoo card
and Windows 95 upgraded to 98.
It was a Gateway desktop in 1996...when I was a sophomore in High school. I tried to find what it could possibly be but no luck.
Compaq in 2003. For some reason why did my family never buy a computer until then. Anyway the specs were I deff know:

Pentium 4
80GB Drive
Played DVDs for sure
XP Home Edition

First Personal Computer:
Sony Vaio Something
Pentium 4
most likely 512MB
Played DVDs
Nvidia Something it could been a Geforce 2
anyone had one of these? i remember using them at school. they had a HUGE 40Mb HDD :P
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My first PC was a Franklin PC 8000...found the specs here...wow it was under 5mhz!
Second one was an IBM...I forget the model...it had a 200mhz Pentium processor I think...100mhz or 200...I forget.
Third one was a Compaq Presario with an Intel Celeron 500mhz processor...was super fast with XP...like it booted under 10 seconds, don't know how...maybe it was the 30gb 7200rpm HDD that I put in it, who knows.
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lol it was about ten years ago

128MB Ram
Some sort of GPU
200W PSU
but it was ohhh so fun lol to think of it I'm currently using its case for my current PC
Pentium I 100mhz
32mb RAM
800mb HDD

I actually SOLD it a couple of years ago for a tenner! Still ran OK with the original Windows 95.
A Sony Vaio PCV-RS430G.

P4 @ 2.8 GHz
ASUS OEM i865p chipset
128MB Radeon 9200 AGP
512MB Generic DDR 2700 RAM
TV Tuner
120GB WD hard drive that failed after 5 years of use.
Pioneer DVD/RW drive that failed after 3 years of use

Overall, it's still a decent machine and I still use it.
If we are talking PC only (so excluding things like the old Amstrads and such) then mine would have been the following

IBM 80286 4 Mhz
640 k base memory
20 mb HDD
5 1/4 inch floppy drive
no graphics card

played the likes of Ultima IV quite well :)

edit : found a pic

My very first computer:

Commadoore 64
CPU: 6510 @ 0.985mhz
Ram: 64kb

Then at some point I had

Amiga 500
CPU: Motorola MC68000 @ 7.09mhz
Ram: 512kb
GPU: 8362R5/8362R6/8362R8 Denise

At some point I also had a 286 Laptop that was black n white screen haha dont know the specs.

But my first main computer was my trusty 486 - Still going strong to this day!!!
CPU: 486sx @ 45mhz I think
Ram: 64mb

That played CivII fine haha, and so far still my most favourite game ever.
This PC wasn't retired until November 2005. It stayed in my parents house as a secondary for years. Surprising but, probably the most reliable PC I had owned. Not a single hardware issue in its lifetime.

Packard Bell
166MHz Pentinum I
17" CRT
Windows 95

When other PCs were blue screening, that Packard Bell kept going on.
That old IBM has the exact same keyboard that is on my PC now!

And yea, thinking back we used to have an old Amstrad (dont know the model) which we got given a couple of weeks before we bought the windows 98 Fujitsu. I dont remember much about it except it took them 5 1/4 inch floppies and had a black and white monitor!