

New Member
I have had my speakers for about 2 years. Anyway, It was in the morning, and my speakers were working. I pushed the button on my Right Speaker to turn it on, and was listening to music, and turned it off. Later the afternoon, I pushed the button to turn the speakers on and the light that you can tell is on did not come on. I kept pushing the button but it didn't work.

Can anyone tell me what happened? Im pretty sure everything is plugged in.
When you pushed the power did you hear anything after like a wav file assigned to a function? If you did the led light light quit. If you heard nothing the amplifier probably gave out and you will need a replacement.
That's a "switch" already.You probably have an intermittent contact that stays open at times or a cold solder point for power.
Grab a multimeter and check your power addaptor. That'd be a good place to start looking. If it puts out the correct voltage, then you know it's something inside your speakers. I have had a couple computer speakers blow their amps. Though you usally hear something when you first power them up.
That depends if it uses an external plug in ac adapter like most do or has one built in with only the ac cord reaching out from the woofer section. With the separate adapter you can put a load on it with the multimeter itself.