New Member
Can I hook up these speakers to my tv?http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121012
what kind of tv is it? LCD?
you most likely can, but you'll need an adapter like this
then you'll need to buy 2 PHONO cables to hook up into the tv. In the Tv link you sent, you'd plug the 2 PHONO cables into the white and red holes in the picture shown,
Then, if you want the FULL 5.1 souround sound experience, just flick the switch on the G51's control pad where it says "Matrix"
that won't work, you will not get full 5.1 surround, you will need all 3 plugs and tvs don't have them, you will be best to get an amp and get bigger and better speakers,
r u sure? i did it to my tv and it worked
ok soo im confused? what do I need to make it 5.1 surroudn sound?