Speaker Setup


Active Member
Alright, I am redoing my room and whatnot, so I thought I would get a nice speaker setup. I have a relatively medium sized room, I am looking for either a 5.1 or a 7.1 setup. If possible, have it hooked up to my computer and TV.

I thought about wireless, though I am open to wired, I have a wireless router in my room as well, so I dont know if they will interfere.

I was thinking, either put them on stands, or mount them in each corner or my room, and on the wall.

I am open to all kinds of suggestions, my budget is around $300. Though its not final, it can be raised.

So those can go to my TV and Computer?

Should I also look at Home Theater type speakers, so I can get a DVD player as well.

I'm pretty sure you can. I can't say for sure because I haven't tried it... I believe theres just a cable to buy for that... hopefully someone can correct me on that lol.
Lol, alright.

I may go with a set of Home Theater speakers, I already have Logitech 5.1 Speakers for my computer, the Z-530's.

Buildup your own system, start by buying a receiver, then some speakers. The receiver can be switched from TV to PC input.
Well, I've been thinking, and I want to go wireless, I just want to know I wont get any interference, lag or anything. Also, can I find a DVD player that allows an external hard drive to connect and show its content, or stream it via wireless from my computer. I was also thinking of getting a set of wireless headphones for the TV and to use on my Zune or something. And maybe a universal remote.

What do you all think?

Any recommendations? Thanks.
Wireless speakers are worthless for good sound. They do not have the full spectrum of sound that a wired speaker will have.
What kind of quality loss difference are we talking?

And can I find a set of wireless headphones that work with my Zune and speakers?

Yes, I agree with paratwa. Also, things can get rather expensive quickly when you buy individual components. I recommend buying a home theater set that includes the receiver and speakers, especially with a budget of around 300. I got my 7.1 system from newegg however currently the only sell 5.1 systems.


Could I benefit more from a Home Theater PC?

No, any gaming pc and double as a HTPC. Vid cards with HDMI output are generally high enough for Hi Def TV's like yours and mine. I use my 7950 GX2 with no problems for video playback on my 42" TV. The only thing more you would really need is lots of storage space. I also use the optical audio output from my pc into a receiver.

You might look at something like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882108212
If you wanna double your budget and get something nice like this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882115108 which includes an upscaling dvd player like you mentioned previously.
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