Speaker question?


New Member
Ok now I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question and I also know this is going to be a REALLY stupid question. Can I hook up 2 sets of computer speakers at once with a splitter? I have the stock audio card that came with my Compaq. If I do this will I do any damage to anything?
That's a very interesting idea, I had never thought of that. Even if both sets of speakers are equivalent though does splitting them decrease sound quality or would it depend on the quality of the splitter?
Well this is interesting, I have 2 sets of Boston Acoustic BA 735 hooked together now, so I have 2 subs and 4 speakers going out once, with the volume set exactly the same. I must say it sounds really good, from what I can hear there is no volume decrease in either, this sounds really good :)
More connections/splitters = more leakage = worse sound quality. Can you tell a difference, that soley depends on the ears listening.
there will be worse sound quality when you split the speakers, and even more so with on board sound. also speakers are made to perform together in a set, which means often that using more than one set on the same jack, can mess around with the sound. yes it is possible, but i wouldnt do it because of the sound quality issues.