Speaker Choice Help


New Member
Hey Im new here and I'm looking for advice. I have read alot of these forums for other issues in the past and now I'm looking for a few people to throw in some insite. I am having problems trying to figure out what Speaker set up to use on my PC. I use it for alot of game, watching movies and alot of music production/mixing. Well pretty much I use it for everything. The problem is Im not sure what route to go on speakers or maybe an outside reciever. I would like to have 5.1 surround if possible and I want to be able to crank it with minimal distortion.(when the kids and wife is gone).I had a set of Logitec X540's amd I loved the sound but at higher volume the low end started to distort way to much. Those are dead and now I am asking for some advice before I drop more cash. Thanks in advance for any advice.
I would like to say yes but unfortunatly I can't.I would like to spend a couple hundred bucks if that. I do prefer 5.1 if posible. If I haveto go the receiver and speaker route then I will end up buying the speakers in pairs instead of all at once. Agian thanks for any help.
If you lean towards the music and music production side then i would suggest the M-Audio AV40. They're definitely the best for the money and they produce sound far more accurately than any 5.1 systems in that budget range.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836127004&Tpk=m-audio av40

If you lean more heavily towards movies and games then a set of 5.1 speakers will probably serve you better. The sound quality would be far inferior but you'll get the shake-the-house bass and loudness.
Yes I was thinking about the M audio ones. I heard a set and it was unbelievable. I never thought a pair of 4 inch speakers could produce a rich sound. I was thinking about running a 4.1 setup at one time with 4 M Audios and finding a self powered sub but then trying to configure it would be a pain....

And on the G51's..I heard those were awesome for gaming but I thought those was dicontinued?...Those are similar to the X540's I had other then a bigger sub and the shape of the surrounds....not to mention the huge price tag.

Maybe I could get 2 systems set up. hahaha...One for gaming and videos and one for music...DAMN to many choices.
Thanks for all your help. and keep the suggestions coming, I have yet to actually decide haha.
You could also set up a system of 2 M-audios and a powered sub. The sub will give you the extra punch in the deep end for games and movies and the 2 maudios will cover anything from 85hz up.
I wonder if I could make a 5.1 set up out of the M audios? They are self powered I would just have to figure out on a powered sub....That should be an insane setup IMO.
For music production I'd be going for the M-Audios or similar monitor speakers. For mixing music you want speakers which give out a natural/flat sound which you won't get out of a standard 5.1 setup.