Soundblaster Live Problem!


New Member
i have had 2 sound cards for the past 2 yrs one a C-Media Wave Device And The Other SB Live Wave Device i always use the soundblaster cause i have 0.7w speakers and it sounds really good on it then 1 day all of a sudden it just stopped workin like that i didnt change any settings so dont know what happened i checked Device manager it was still there and it sed it was enabled but it just didnt work any1 have any ideas how i can fix this to make it work???:confused: by the way i run on win xp
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plz someone help me i am fed up havin 0.7w speakers plugged into a c-media sound card and not a soundblaster cause a soundblaster sounds louder:mad:
take the soundcard out and put it back in. and go to the soundblaster website and get the latest drivers for your soundcard.
jackster11 said:
ok ill try that. but for now is there any other way of doing it without takin my pc apart?

you dont have to take apart your whole pc. just take out your soundblaster soundcard and put it back in.