Sound skipping when i play music!


New Member
There is a lagg in the sound of the music i'm playing...almost like a disc is skipping. i'm playing my mp3's from an external hard drive. this hasn't happened up until now (had the computer for a couple months)and even now it's intermittent (maybe every minute or two). The external HD is connected using USB2.0. Any ideas as to what this might be?? and what i might try to fix this? Thanks for any ideas!! :(
My first guess would be some program running in the background possibly hogging some resources. Does it happen as you load something, or can you just let the computer sit idle and still have the problem...
I deleted everything that wasn't needed in the task manager and it's still happening. I'm even only letting it play and doing nothing else and yet still these periodic lags in sound. what to do???
Now...i was watching some tv on the web and the same thing is happening! i'm fairly knowledgable about computers, but this one has stumped me! PLEASE...ANY OTHER IDEAS???
i thought i did answer...
"only letting it play and doing nothing else"
it's intermittent so i don't know if it happens when i load things...hasn't yet

thanks again for any help!
Have you tried running scandisk? If resources are not being hogged, I would lean towards A)fragmented harddrive or B)Bad sectors on HDD.
Most likely your problem relates to the addition of your external hard drive. Like it was said earlier, your system may be hogged by other programs that are higher on the IRQ. An IRQ is a line in which your microprocessor works. Since your computer has only one microchip and cannot complete more than one task at once. It will run through a list of programs in which a single job must be completed. Your sound (or hard drive) might be low on the IRQ which will allow a longer gap between when the microprocessor can complete its job ( start sound) on it. Your IRQ on a "plug and play " hard ware or software piece should already be designated when the driver is loaded. Changing your IRQ through a DIP switch is is tricky and can have bad results. Also if you have sound capabilities on your motherboard you should turn them off through BIOS this will also free up space for the IRQ.
A good way to check for what nation is talking about is to bring up the CTRL+ALT+DELETE window and click on the processes tab. Then click twice on the CPU column and watch that and see what happens over an extended period of time. I would guess that you have some spyware or some program that is intermittently trying to something and temporarily takes up a lot of resources...