Sound problem


New Member
My sound was perfect, then eventually it started to sound static. Along with having a static sound to it, the sound would only come through one ear of my headphones. However, if I wiggled and turned the plug connecting the headphones to the computer a bit, the sound would be clear again. I could listen to music clearly, however if I moved my body a bit, the wire would move with me, and the sound would be static again and only come through in one ear, so I would have to adjust the plug a bit to get the clear sound again.

It wasn’t that the plug wasn’t in all the way, the plug was connected perfectly, however it had a sound to it as if it wasn’t connected right. Eventually it got so worse that I tried getting a new sound card, and the sound worked perfectly. However, it’s been a few months and the problems are coming back. It’s not my headphones either, since it has the same problem with speakers. I was wondering what I could do to fix this and not have the sound be static and only coming in through one ear, with the sound occasionally being clear if I turn the plug the right way to get a ‘connection’.
Ok, so you got a totally new sound card. Is it the same card?
A few things you might want to check are:
-reload the software
-check for updated drivers/ firmware
-make sure you psu is in fine condition and giving ample ammount of juice
-are you getting dirty power from your home
-have you tried a different pci slot
-when was the last time you reformatted

Try out some of them. A few of thoes are just guesses throw into the wind, but ya never know.

Hopethis helps
Dust, card lifted slightly in pci slot, cold solder point on board, XP's resource sharing meaning move it down one from the AGP or PCI-E slot as referred to by vroom skies, onboard sound disabled, and driver clash with another hardware are the usual problems. Make sure there's no little ding in the rear of the case if you have a retaining screw there causing the card to lift. Then there is the possible defect having developed in the card itself if nothing damaged any of the drivers. Check the device manager for yellow marks in the sound and game controllers section.