sound problem


New Member
I'vs just instaled windows xp sp3 on an 1.2 Ghz, 256 ram, nvidia riva TNT2 and i have no sound. I mention that i havent the PC CD s. After instaling Windows i wathed in Device Manager and everythink was ok, i mean no exclamation or question signs so my sound not working. The volume icon missing from toolbar and when I go in Control Panel under the Sound and Audio Devices everythink is unclikble except Sound Scheme.
I highly doubt XP installed the sound driver. If you go into device manager and look under sound, video, and game controllers... what items are listed there? Also what motherboard or model of pc is this installed on?
Motherboard is Gigabite but when i go their site and instal the needed driver for my model, it instals it and asked me to reboot then when i search in "add remove" in control panel it doesn't apear there and in startup to, like he wasn't never instaled and i can instal any driver any times i want without having to unninstal it. Its wired, it never hapend me on my PC or any other but just my friend's. And if i go in the Sounds and Video Controllers it appears just 4 device: Media Control Devices, Legacy Video Capture Devices, Video Codecs and the other i will tell you tommorow when i put his PC on. Strangely his Video Card is not onboard (NVIDIA RIVA TNT2) and just after reformating, instaling Windows, then get in Device Manager shows he had driver on every device even Video Card.
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After listening you and some of my colegs at work the solution was in BIOS ffs.

Everyone, if in Device Manager everythink its ok and no drivers missing and your sound still not work the solution for me was in Bios, the onboard sound card and many others was disabled. OMG thx god i've made it after 1 week of pain .