Sound only plays on one speaker


New Member
I have onboard sound from this motherboard[
and recently I have noticed that I only get sound out of my left speaker, I have tried 2 sets of speakers and a pair of head phones so it can't be broken speakers. I also checked the volume settings and made sure that both sides are at the same volume. I also reinstalled the sound drivers from my motherboard, what could be the problem?
Have you checked your sound properties if maybe the settings are focused on the left speaker..... There should be a slide that should indicate this.....
yes, I have checked the sound properties and made sure the sliders are even. I even tried turning the right side to the max volume and I still get nothing, I just reinstalled my audio drivers and the problem is still there.
What about the balance?

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The jack is plugged in all the way. The power cord and the cord that goes into the motherboard are on the right speaker, but the sound only comes out the left. I have checked the volume control and made sure the balance is centered. Even when I put it all the way to the right I get no sound. I recently installed Linux on a different partition, could that cause my windows partition to mess up the sound?