Sound is Clear then with noise then no sound at all


New Member
I have a computer with this features:
1.7GH Celeron.
Mother board with Via Chipest.
Built-In Vinyl Via sound card. <<<the problem is here>>>.
Windows Xp Professional Sp2 with last update.
McAfee Antivirus 2005 with last update.

Sunddenly while I am playing an audio file, noise has appeared then a fter a short time I can't hear sound at all.

I tried to delete the sound driver and install it again from the drivers CD, the same problem repeated (hear good sound then with noise then no sound at all).

I deleted the driver again and installed it from the company site. the problem repeated again (hear good sound then with noise then no sound at all).

And when I restart my computer the problem repeated (hear good sound then with noise then no sound at all).

I made Antivirus scan with McAfee but no virus has been found.
I tried McAfee online free virus scan also no virus.

I hope I find a solution.


thanks so much.
Sounds to me like a hardware problem, have you tried different speakers, and what sound card do you use?

The first things I would do with this sort of problem are:

Play music on several different players to isolate whether it's a player problem (you didn't say which you were using). Plenty of simple free players around.

Play several formats such as mp3 and wav. Compressed formats need a lot more cpu activity than wav.

Turn off all other distractions like visualizations

Substitute headphones for audio system by plugging in a back of pc (my headphones have a volume control thus minimizing level of deafness!). No volume control, turn it down in the player before connecting.

I don't have any ideas on your problem at this time.

ive got the same prob

i have a cmi8738, and i installed xp on my computer, when i came to install my sound drivers i came up with a few missing files, which i fixed.

but whenever (and this happens all the time with xp) i come to play an mp3 in WMP9, it seems to play for a few seconds (can tell due to visulisation Movement) then the visulisation seems to stop, but WMP still seems to play the song (can tell due to the movement of the seek bar)

but i know the sound card is not broken because windows wav sounds play on start up, but windows sample and my own music doesn't. can you tell me what the prob is, and maybe a fix.

edit: its not a conflict between onboard and expansion slot, as ive tried this and the prob consists
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