Sound Fluctuations


New Member
Recently, the sound coming out of my speakers have been changing apparently at random. The sounds always seem to be either extremely loud, and then suddenly change to very quiet. When I try to fiddle with the knob that is supposed to change the volume, the sound remains very loud, to the point that the sound simply cuts off at one point on the knob(the point is close to all the way to the left, where the sound should be very quiet).

This is getting a little annoying because when I try to turn the volume up because it's too quiet to hear, the volume suddenly jolts up, scaring the bejessus out of me.

I'd just like to get this fixed because it's gotten to the point that i've just turned off my speakers completely rather than deal with it.

Thanks for any feedback.

It seems that the speaker's potentiometer got messed up. You can try to clean it: spray some electronic cleaner (or use a simple deo spray) in the gap around the knob and rotate the knob left and right several times. Of course, when the speaker is not turned on.
Well, I'm not quite sure if it's the knob that's the problem, since the problem happens even when i'm not trying to adjust the volume(when i leave the knob near the point where the sound cuts off, it seems to randomly change between loud and nearly silent).

But i'll try that anyway.

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That behaviour could be caused by a messed-up potentiometer. So try the deo spray trick.
At least it will smell good... :)