Sound card driver virus issue.


New Member
My question is whether is it possible for a sound card driver to be infected with a particular virus by which causes sound output quality to be blurry. It should not be a hardware issue with the sound card as my av software has detected a virus in the sound card driver I guess. It is also not possible to clean the virus away as my av software is a trial version. So can anybody tell me what is the best solution for this issue? Am I suppose to reinstall the sound driver and how do I do it? It would even be better if somebody can tell me how to locate the destination folder for my sound card driver.

Thanks and any form of assistance is gladly appreciated by me.
Please can somebody at least give me some advice or refer this thread to the appropriate forum(should it be incorrect of which I doubt as it is related to sound card section)?
What do hardware do you have? I have a 965WH motherboard with onboard sound and it does that from time to time, make sure that if you have Intel Audio Studio, it is running. Sometimes the sound drivers need to be reinstalled, this happens to me at least every couple of months and I dunno why.
What do hardware do you have? I have a 965WH motherboard with onboard sound and it does that from time to time, make sure that if you have Intel Audio Studio, it is running. Sometimes the sound drivers need to be reinstalled, this happens to me at least every couple of months and I dunno why.

How do I check the brand as well as the model of the motherboard?