Song Goes On, But Won't Play...


New Member
Hey guys, pretty sure this is the place to post this. OK, I got an iPod video for christmas and didn't like it and I needed the extra money for my new computer. I took it back and got my 300 bucks. My friend for christmas also got a video and he has an old mini too. I bought his mini for 20 bucks which is awesome because I need a cheap, large MP3 player right now. All my songs loaded on there easily (However, I had to select them all and drag them onto it becuase it won't just copy the library for some reason) but right now I am trying to put Slipknot's "My Plague" on there. The song goes on, but when I go to play it, the screen shows the song and artist, but then just switches to the next song! Does anyone know anything that could be obvious that I'm not seeing?
im not sure but maybe the files crap can u play other songs fine on there? it might be the one song try downloading it again.
Just open it up in another program and re-output it, if that doesn't work then open it in iTunes and convert it to AAC that always works for me!
Ya. I'm opening through iTunes and I've tried the song about 3 times, all three of them with different downloads... guess my iPod doesn't like metal :P
Ahhh ok didn't know it was like that. I went and re-downloaded it and got an MPEG4 file and it worked! Thx guys!
Ya I thought so... When I get home tonight I'll check the properties again... I must have been really tired then :( sorry guys...