Something slowing me down..


New Member
Quick question. I have wireless internet to a computer in my house. We have 2 computers. I downloaded a 14MB file on the computer that does not have the wireless internet and before the DL finished it was at 500kb/sec and climbing. I then go to the computer with wireless internet and and download the same file. I get 150kb/sec MAX. :mad:. Not sure..
That seems about right. Thats what i get with mine... Are you downloading from the same host? Also, shut down any p2p programs running.
How strong is the signal? A low download speed will likely be caused by a weak signal, or if there is interference. Wired is the best option if possible.
to be honest with u I had the same problem with my wireless as well.. I used to have NETGEAR G Router (before I move) and my laptop's connection was getting slower once in a while and I had to restart the connection to fix the issue! I have a sense that maybe your router is not a good router in keeping your laptop connected or maybe something interfer with your router (like a radio transmitor or something)