Some web pages load, some dont :S


New Member
When browsing the net some pages are not loading. There is a definate conenction, for example, its not working offline. It will load pages like Yahoo, Google, BBC etc, but it wont load pages like windows update and hotmail.

Whats happening? What can I do to fix it? Thanks

I posted this in the wrong area. It is just for a general PC. It was covered in spyware, sometyhing like 1024 traces!!

Managed to delete most if not all of it, but still Hotmail wouldn't load. I have done a system restore now for all the time it was taking me and fingers crossed this will have fixed it but I wont know till later. If it hasn't what else could it be?

I load, and at the top (IE Bar) it says continue, but in the status bar at the bottom it says done :mad:
