Some Hot Deals


New Member
ALOT of isa,pci cards

ALOT of game console accessories

ALOT of game magazines

ALOT of music cds
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lots of cool things, too bad theres only 1 bid so far. Hopefully u get more bids wehn theres <1 day left.
I'm gonna estimate about 10$ on those cards. I sold about 31 PCI/AGP cards and got only 27$, I think I was screwed.
i dont even care about that one selling for only .01 as long ast the guy pays for the shipping since i was going to throw it away might as well find them a new home :D
I'm thinking of getting those PCI cards and such just to add onto otherthings i sell, I have just added in a old 56k modem or PCI serial port card before as a dealbreaker. once you throw in anything "free" they get excited.