Software to permantly wipe data off hardrive


Active Member
Hi everyone, I need to send an old hard drive back to dell but there is a lot of sensitive data on the hard drive. What is some good software that would permanently wipe the hard drive?



Although Cromewell's reply would be my first choice :)

Alternatively, I know your not doing this,
but if your weren't planning on keeping or selling your old hard drive, or couldn't be bothered to wipe it using software, try using hardware , and unleash sweet claw-headed justice upon the problem

better than that, dis-assemble the drive, take out the magnetic plates and visit a science lab near you and dip them in some sulphuric acid. :)
haha thanks guys! i normally throw them away and I open the hard drive up and destroy the drive but I have to send this one back to dell

so I am currently urising dariks boot and nuke, seems like this is going to take a long time huh..