Software Amplifier for Wireless


New Member
Normally I don't have a problem with connecting to a wireless network. But one of my friends has a wireless network. And the signal is hard to get b/c her house is VERY particular when signals from ANYTHING .... portable phones barely work, and cell phones are useless unless you walk outside (which, by the way, work FLAWLESSLY once you step outside through the door).

Is there some software I can obtain to help boost the signal of either the router or the wireless card, something universal? Something either client side or router side or both?

I don't really want to spend an arm and a leg for a hardware amplifier, especially since I don't really need a gain of more than 100 ft., nor do I need the entire block to leech the inet. Just something to help the internal clients on the network.
there are homebrew apps for a lot of popular modems that increase signal strength by increasing power output from the router. ok, i only know of ones for linksys, but i am sure there must be some for other wireless router makers.

what kind of router do you have?
I know the router is a linksys at my friend's house, I just don't know which one off-hand....

The software you mention, is client-side? or is it like a firmware update? and, is it universal between wireless NICs? The wireless NICs I need it for are Dell NICs (1370/1470 models)....

I don't want to have to buy a physical repeater or band booster or whatever .... just something small software-wise that can give a little extra performance/bandwidth ....
What frequency is the portible phone? and what freqency is your wireless router runing at? if they are both 800Mhz, or both 2.4Ghz then theres your porblem, they are interfering.

I'm not real sure. I will have to check the next time I go over there. I really don't know what frequency the portable phones are. If they are the same frequency (2.4Ghz), what should I do?

I noticed in the Linksys router setup that there were 9, maybe 10, different channels for the frequency .... should one of those be changed in order to not conflict? If I remember right, the way it is setup was channel 9 - 2.453Ghz or something similar; I know it was 2.4Ghz for sure, tho.
In my free time, I also was checking some of the internal, and default, settings of my WLAN card and as I was searching for something that might help my signal receiver dilemma ... I found under the Advanced tab under the properties of my card and these are what I found (and I have no idea what most of them mean):

(feature - options - default setting)

802.11h - Enable/Disable - Disabled
Afterburner - Enable/Disable - Disabled
Antenna Diversity - Auto/Aux/Main - Auto
AP Compatibility Mode - Broader Compatibility/Higher Performance - Higher Performance
Association Roam Preference - Enable/Disable - Disabled
Band Preference - None/a/b or g - None
Bluetooth Collaboration - Enable/Disable - Enabled
BSS Mode - Default/802.11b only - Default
Disable Bands - None/a/b or g - None
Fragmentation Threshold - (adjustable up or down)2346
IBSS 54g(tm) Protection Mode - Auto/Disabled - Auto
IBSS Channel Number - 1-11,36,40,44,48,xx - 11
IBSS Mode - 802.11b Mode/Normal - 802.11b Mode
Locally Administered MAC Address - Value(xx)/Not Present - Not Present
Location - USA - USA
Minimum Power Consumption - Enable/Disable - Enabled
PLCP Header - Auto(short/long)/Long - Auto(short/long)
Power Save Mode - Enable/Disable/Fast - Fast
Radio Enable/Disable - Enable/Disable - Enabled
Rate (802.11a) - 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54,use best rate - Use best rate
Rate (802.11b/g) - (same as above)
Roam Tendency - Aggressive/Conservative/Moderate - Moderate
Roaming Decision - Default/Optimize Bandwidth/Optimize Distance - Default
RTS Threshold - (adjustable up or down)2347
WME - Enable/Disable - Disabled
WZC Managed Ethernet - Enable/Disable - Disabled
XPress (tm) Technology - Enable/Disable - Disabled

The best one I could think of that *may* boost the signal receiver is the Roaming Decision feature, but I really don't want to play with settings I don't know about....
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