I didn't mean you specifically with that comment. The z5500's have digital ins, so I was saying the card would make no difference in this situation.
And I don't believe a word about the speaker cable, unless you were running that really really thin stuff that computer speakers come with in the first place.
When it comes to speaker cable it's all the same. I was buying some the other day for a new hi-fi, and the guy in the shop recommended the £10 a meter stuff as 'much better, I'd really hear the difference'. No I won't, I'll have the 50pence a meter stuff thanks. Wire is wire. Unless you're running it passed a huge amount of transformers etc... you don't need any of the extra shielding, and as for it 'sounding better', **** off, what a load of rubbish (aimed at shop guy, not you!)
Sorry to go off a bit, but it really annoys me how people think things like this make a difference in music. No one even knows what 'good' is anyway, least of all the twat in the hi-fi shop. Can't get a real job mate? Right, I'll trust you with expensive decisions then