slow shutdown


New Member
my office desktop comp running xp sp2 has started to hangup on shutdown,after i click the start button to shutdown i get tha eggtimer up for about 5 mins before the shutdown screen appears
The comp is not on the net and has only windows,office,printer,accounting software installed this happens about nine times out of ten.Tried a defrag still the same,windows reinstalled about a year ago.Start up ok and runs great,only used 6gb of hard drive.Many thanks
Are there any programs that are running when you Shut Down? Has it ever been connected to the internet? What environment is the system in (hot, no airflow, etc.)? How long has it been taking this long?
This problem has been on going for about 4 weeks now,the comp was once on the net about a year ago and had the full norton package on and windows has been reinstalled and the only software on the comp is my accounting software and that is shutdown first.How can i find out what is running before shutdown
Well my vaio some times takes too long but to start i counted 1m65sec after the welcome and the vaio logo comes up,this happened after i installed the sp3 pack i already uninstalled it but still does it,but if i after turning it on i restart it, it will come up normal. any ideas thanks.