Slow Download Speeds with ClearWire


New Member
I am using Clearwire's HighSpeed Internet service and supposed to be getting 1.5M downloads. I know the speeds vary but I am only able to get 100-150 KB/s if i'm lucky. Lately it's been less than that. I called them and they told me i was getting the right speed, but that can't be right. The modem only connects at 10 Mbps instead of 100 like roadrunner or yahoo dsl and it's hard to even do updates most of the time. Is there a fix for this or do i need to call them back? Any help or suggestions would be great.
1.5Mb is your rated connection speed, not your actual download speed.

It's tricky how they do it, but in order to determine your estimated download speed, you divide your connection by 8.

So your speed is rated at 1.5Mb, which is the same as 1536Kb. Divide that by 8 and you get 192KB. So your suppose to get about 192KBps download speed, however you never get that speed since there are alot of things that interfer with the connection, such as the distance to the ISP, and the connections in your home. If you're hooked up to the internet wirelessly, thats also a factor.
I figured there was something in how they worded it that made it sound better than it was. The sales guy did say 1.5 Mb/s download speed when i signed up for it though. I guess I shouldn't gripe too much though. Is still way better than dial-up. Thanks for the help.