Slightly (for 1 day) used foxconn bloodrage.


New Member
For sale is an slightly used (1 day) foxconn bloodrage for 200$ usd (220$ usd shipped to UK) shipped.
This is not the gti this is the full version with water-block and everything.
Pictures coming soon.
Pm if interested.


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Why did you only use it for one day? Something sounds fishy.

he goes through a lot of motherboards...first he had a an asus p6t, then i think he got a bloodrage or something,then he got a classified then he sold that, pies is a decent seller, no idea why you would question him
I sold it on another forum I used it to try it out and just didn't like some of the features, I would never sell a damaged board and will always refund if theres a problem.
I liked the board but the p6t deluxe v2 was the board that wokred best for me.
I got one and have been using it for a while now.
Thanks Just a noob.