Sharing and Network Rights


New Member

I have 2 laptops and 1 desktop connected on my network, all with the same workgroup, and all with file and printer sharing turned on.

However only one laptop can access view the workgroup computers, whilst the desktop and other laptop say that network is not accessible.

I have tried everything, like getting past firewalls which i can do, but this wont solve it

Can anyone give me any help

Try Turning off firewalls and Virus protection to see if that is what is blocking it. Then Try connecting with the \\Computername or the \\Local_ip in internet explorer URL bar.
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The whole workgroup browsing thing in Windows is the flakiest thing I've ever seen. It also has some version dependencies which can cause problems.

Try disabling the Computer Browser service on both laptops and just leave it enabled on the desktop. The way it's supposed to work is one computer is supposed to have a master list of all other machines on the network, but by default they all try to maintain this list and it can all get confused.

Also try the other suggestion of \\IP address (the backslashes are that way).
I had something like that... It had something to do with setting the default DNS server to the IP of my Computer that I wished to access.. Worked, but that was just with two computers...