I have a D-link wireless router however it is in another room where my pc's used to be. I had to move them into another room. So now I have internet modem connected to the router in the first room sending a signal over to my pc A in the second room.
What I wanted originally is to be able to connect both pc's together for file sharing using a cross over cable....which was a success.
Pc A is getting internet connection because of the wireless nic card.
What I want to do is since a cross over cable is connecting both pc's together, If there was a way to get the internet to work onto pc B, simply through the cross over cable without having to get another wireless nic card or connecting the nic card with a cable going directly into the router(which is impossible since its in another room, well actually if i had a long enough cable it would work...but I don't..so yeah..lol)
If you are confused, read my first thread and you should understand the setup. And with that setup, if there was a way that I could use that internet connection.