Set-up a network with 2 dynamic ip's


New Member
I got a cable modem which gives me 2 Dynamic IP's. Through a switch I connect those to my 2 home computers. So they

both are connected directly to the internet. My problem is that I'm having difficulty setting up a shared network

between those 2 pc's...
I tried setting up a workgroup (both pc's use winXP), and I use ZoneAlarm as a firewall. But the computers seem

unable to see each other. I tried to add both ip's to the firewall on the trusted zone, but that didn't seem to

help. Also this would be difficult to update the firewall everytime because the ip's are dynamic. Even shutting down

the firewall didn't do much.
Any advise on how to set this up properly?

run ipconfig to figure out the ip addresses. Then you have to enter all ip addresses into your firewall on both pcs. I have 2 pcs set up and I have to enter 3 possible ip addresses.

Also, have you run the network wizard, and are both pc on the same workgroup?