It's stored on an email server you don't own, so there's that.
Transmit wise the data shouldn't leave your email provider, however.
Maybe? Who knows.Would they screen dodgy photos?
Why can't you transfer them via USB or wifi like a normal person,?If you take photos on your phone but want them hidden, what's the best way? I thought sending myself (through email) would be the best solution, but worry would be seen. And sending myself an email with all my passwords for amazon, ebay etc, is that a good idea?
Why can't you transfer them via USB or wifi like a normal person,?
That's what "via USB" means DarrenOr god forbid hook up the phone to the computer and transfer them.
I was thinking in terms of my flash drive suggestion. Totally open to interpretation there.That's what "via USB" means Darren
I'm sensing some illicit activity with this one lolMaybe a flash drive would be better for your.... photos?
Can't have them hurricanes and forest fires stealing your passwords.If you want to back up photos check out a cloud drive and use boxcryptor. For your passwords check out keepass. There is even an App, but don't store them on the cloud. Keep them locally and back up the database to USB or CD. I do this on a DVD/RW and that gets stored in a fire proof/water proof safe.
If my house burns down I've got bigger priorities than my passwords.If the house burns down guess what? They ( the fire department) use water. Imagine that!
Smart ass.