Sending the internet to my room starting at the ADSL Filter.....


New Member
Sending the internet to my room starting at the ADSL Filter.....

Hello everyone! I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time now but I'm at a loss... Here is what I want to do.
A) Send internet to my room.
B) Do it starting at the ADSL Filter Port
C) Outta sight outta mind is key

But how do I do it?

Where do I hook up the wires?


Here is what the set up is so far. (The pictures are VERY big, sorry)

Here is a VERY simple view of what I really want. (Yes, I drew it my self!)

And what it really looks like

The stuff on the left (drawn picture), is what it is now. What I want done, is represented on the right. I'm not to sure which way to do it because I'm not to sure how to set it up right.
The little junction box.....

......Is a complete mistery to me. I believe it splits the internet and phone up and send it off to different parts of the house. If so, cool. Don't wanna mess with that. (2 sisters without the phone = BAD situation for me :p) So pritty much all I wanna do is go from the ADSL or the Junction box to the new (My) DSL box then to my computer. How I go from the DSL to my computer.... Well.... thats MY problem, LOL that one I have figured out.

Also there is a, almost phone wire type cord that comes out of the DSL. Now I know what it is and all, but what I want to know is how many wires are in the cable and which wires do I connect to my existing set-up so that everything works smothly and it does not affect anything else. Here is a picture of my ADSL box.

And here is the wires coming out of the ADSL.......

to the junction box..........

(orange/white and the solid orange wires= MODEM// the blue ones are for the phone)

Here is another but its a bit blurry, If I can, I will put up a better version.

Now which wires do I connect from the DSL to the junction box/ADSL? (If you need more Pictures, PM me)

I know it sounds like I'm doing it the hard way and I bet there are a few other ways to do it, but this way I wont have my dog's chewing up my network cables all the time and it keeps them out of the way and out of sight.

Any insight is duely welcome!! If you need more pictures or you maybe just wanna talk to me on MSN so I can give you a better explanation of what I want just PM me and we can set something up.

So to sum it up a bit I want to send the internet to my room starting at the source.

I have no idea what the drawn picture means... I think I understand what you are saying.

You want to run DSL from the TELEPHONE access box outside the house, into the house to a specific port in a room? And you are wondering how to do this?
lol yea I know its kinda hard to understand I thought I had explained it correctly. Pritty much from what I understand The telephone line comes into the house and goes to that ADSL device. From there it is "filtered" Internet signals go to the modem connection and the telepone signals go to the Phone connection on that black box. From the box each set of wires goes to that junction box below it. From there other wires connect to it (I believe its a parallel connection) and then those wires go to phone jacks around my house but one goes to a box that is by my mom's computer. From that I guess "jack" a phone cable connects that jack to my existing DSL. I'll include a picture of that when I get home from work.

So how and where do I interupt those wires (and which ones) so I can access the internet from MY DSL. So almost I want 2 DSL's running from the same source (That ADSL/ junction box) yet one is already in place and one will be up and running when I figure out how to do it. I'l put in more pictures and a som,ewhat better explanation when I get home... hope this helps!!!
A source of DSL can only be accessed one time. Meaning that if you have 2 modems plugged in to a split phone cord, only 1 would work. Is this what you are tyring to do? You coupld replace the Phone cords with cat5 plugs and run the connection from the main box.
That "box" is a demarcation point. The wires you are looking for if you only have one phone line is the green and red wires.

However, you can't run DSL direct from the demarcation point to your room. You would have to have a modem on the other end. The only way it is going to work is if you have two separate modems and two separate internet accounts, as you can't log in simultaneously on the same account. Your account will be flagged and most likely disconnected.
so pritty much theres no way to have 2 modems connected at the same source? I would have to either get another phone line, etc. OR connect to my Hub?

....hmmm so if Istill want the net I have to get another account? Okay its something I can deal with. I don't mind paying. Here's the kicker.... Still trying to get around my parents!! Lol. If I WERE to get another internet account and a new modem.... would a person from the internet company have to come in to put in a new phone line in? or once I get the modem and the account can I then connect to the same source? Also I thought the DSL box and the modem were one and the same? and if not.. whats the point of a DSL box? and something a bit off topic.. I connected my computer (which is very new) directly to the modem/DSL and I got SLOWER speeds then if I connected to to my hub? Why?

Thanks again
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how about NO. I still have to hook it up you know and a wireless modem cannot be HIDDEN all that well.

Thats the point ppl keep it HIDDEN