[-0MEGA-] said:
Sounds like the same deal they have on eBay
I would pay about $80-$85 since it's used.
The deal they always have on ebay is jsut bought at Fry's Electronics and sold on ebay for about 25$ more(well ussaly its about 15$ mroe, then they jack up shipping alot), I should know, I do it all the time

They only allow you to get one CPU mobo combo at once ussaly, unless your friendly with one of the managers

Everytime i go there for something else i pick on up so i can sell it on ebay.
Actully i dont do it quite "all the time" since i only gfo there once every couple of months, and sometimes im buying the CPU for myself so i cant then.
It's also where im getting my next cpu prabally the 3500+ I have seen them with two of these deals, with differnt mothboards and about a 10$ price differece. Although i cant rmember whaty motherbaords were in each one....So i might have to wait for a few adds to come out untill i make my choice. (They have lots of deals, each ad theyroate a differnt one in, and they have ads with CPU's in them twice a week)
Would you actully be interested in buying it though? Thats basicly what I need, someone who is willing to buy it from me as soon as I get my new CPU and motherboard