Selling games


Active Member
Well, with the way things are going in this economy. Not having a job anymore, and having bills to pay i need to get rid of any unnecessary stuff. So I'm getting rid of 6 games.

Fallout 3 - Sold
Civilization 4: Gold Edition
Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword (Expansion)
Star Wars: Empire at War


$20 individually, $85 for all 5, Free shipping in the US
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how much for fallout 3 shipped to the uk?

Edit: do you take paypal?
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I won't be able to ship any games until I get back to the US. So, anyone who wants to buy will have to wait until the 20th of april.
No job,bills to pay and your going on holiday how do you do it.
I'v just lost my job and got bills to pay but i cant go on holiday.
Whats the secret.

The exact same thing happned to me last year...maybe he done what i done and paid for the holiday some time ago before he lost his job...obviusly hes not going to cancell it now :)

I went to cyprus...had a relaxing holiday to refrash myself and when i got back to uk...sorted another job out :)