Seeking Computer Network Admins for 10min interview


New Member
I am currently enrolled in ITT Tech Computer Networking Admin program. I am a computer lover and know them well, however school is not an old friend of mine. I am focused on becoming a network admin and would really like to ask a few willing admins questions career related. Via e-mail, or phone I promise I wont take more then 10min of your time if you can spare. Moving in a few days and married in 2 months my life is nuts please reply quickly if able. I very much appreciate your time.

Q: What are basics of what your daily job entails?
Q: Is Computer Networking Administrator what you thought or expected it to be?, Why, or why not?
Q:What major obstacles did you have to overcome to get where you are now?
Q:Do you have interest in expanding on your education?
Q: What advice could you give a student such as myself?
One word... tlarkin

This guy has a never ending well of knowledge, I started off as an admin for a small company a few years ago (15 ppl) now I am a network admin for a multi-million pound electronics organisation catering for over 50 people.

If he can spare a few minutes for you as he has done in the past for me I am sure you will have all your questions answered.
One word... tlarkin

This guy has a never ending well of knowledge, I started off as an admin for a small company a few years ago (15 ppl) now I am a network admin for a multi-million pound electronics organisation catering for over 50 people.

If he can spare a few minutes for you as he has done in the past for me I am sure you will have all your questions answered.

haha thanks for the props but I am a Systems Administrator. I am afraid I rarely actually work with networking hardware and appliances. I do server/client stuff, and I really only these days do Unix/Linux/OS X stuff.

However any question you have I can try to answer and just post it on the forum in case any other reader finds it, they may also find it useful.
If you could take one minute and answer what I have posted above it would be awesome of you. I know it's not the same thing but a related field so apply your title to the questions. Thank you so very much for your time, when I grow up I want to be just like you =) kinda. Thanks again!:P
Q: What are basics of what your daily job entails?

Client/server maintenance, package creation and deployment, user/group policy, user/groups creation/importation, end user support, scripting and keeping the back end running, and working with any other department on technology issues.

Q: Is Computer Networking Administrator what you thought or expected it to be?, Why, or why not?

It is different at every job, and it all depends on your duties. I have seen Network Admin and Project Manager share the same title/duties before at certain jobs. So a lot of times the Network Admin will be the Network Admin plus other things.
Q:What major obstacles did you have to overcome to get where you are now?

Major obstacles? None really, just hard work, dedication and time. Also a good willingness to learn new things. I never really stuck with any one single platform for a long time until I sort of specialized, but even then gotta learn new stuff.
Q:Do you have interest in expanding on your education?

Every single day. Taught myself how to write code in bash and apple script, and currently teaching myself python and C++. After that I am going to probably learn a bit about Ruby, and I definitely want to learn more about networking hardware like Juniper and other non Cisco devices.

Q: What advice could you give a student such as myself?

Work hard, keep up with new technology, spread your knowledge into other things. I may not be a Network Administrator but I know plenty about routing, subnets, DNS, network protocols and ports, and so forth. So, always expand your knowledge as much as possible. Knowledge never hurts to have, only benefits.

Also, most importantly, don't be afraid to start somewhere. You won't land the best job for a few years to come. Just keep at it, and keep working. In IT you can almost take the mercenary approach and jump from job to job when the pay gets better and people actually expect you to do so in IT. Where as in other fields, it sort of looks bad on your resume when you jump from job to job so often. Each job is a stepping stone.
THank you so much for the time, encouragement and knowledge. Your time is much appreciated and best of luck to you in your furture!