Sapphire HD4870 1GB

Good price for a good card, the cooling on those sapphires is great. Id venture to say that sapphire has the best stock cooling(vapor-x) of any manufacturer.
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and you crossfire a 512 and a 1gb card together? if so im intersted
Yes and no. Yes in the fact that well, you can, no in the fact that it will drop the second card to 512mb aswell. You can also crossfire a 4850 and a 4870, but the 4870 would drop to 640 shaders, drop the memory clocks, and drop the core speed aswell. Thats the beauty of crossfireX over sli(Soon you will be able to do similar with SLI However)
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they have to have the same specs to be able to xfire. Manufacture brand means nothing as long as core clocks and memory clocks are same. If thier not it just drops their speeds
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ahh ok i best wait for more funds and upgrade to 5850 :D thanks for the fast response ya flight sim been giving me hell 512 doent seem to be enough for that game
1gb card it will work just the 1gb will drop to 512. and 2 of them will run ur games without a sweat.
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