router config prob


New Member
i have a Mentor ADSL Router Model ADSL-MR4C/UK
i have only 2 computers setup through the Ethernet connections (crossed leads) and computer 1 is internal IP computer 2 is internal IP
on computer 1 i run a small forum on port 80 but when users try to connect via http they get my router login screen?if i run the forum on a normal adsl modem it works fine but with this router it doesnt:confused: please can anyone help
ive tried that. ive setup port forwarding in the virtual server to port 80 to computer 1 ( public port 80 and private port 80
when people try to connect to my web server all they get is my stupid router login screen :mad: i have a dynamic IP address but i do have a no-ip address that i am using to compensate but im getting nowhere.
if i type my no-ip address into my web browser i get my login screen too its weird. im just hoping that someone has solved this problem before and might be able to help.
are you sure you have set up port fowarding correctly, either that or its not forwarding correctly. try again, with manual to hand
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I had this problem a while ago.. you cant turn that off.. the router wont let you.

But what you can do is make the server a secure server, and when you have people login make them type https://www. instead of http://www.

This goes to port 443, the secure server port.