Router as wireless LAN


Can I use a wireless router to communicate with another wireless router? If yes could you please tell me what to do?

You can. It has to be a special router though. And both routers have to have the function enabled on them. (I forgot the name of the ability though. Sorry.)
here in lies the problem so we must first ask, what exactly are you trying to accomplish. A wireless bridge will in fact connect your primary and secondary router however it will kill all wifi signal since all of it will be used for the bridge on the secondary router and you can only connect to your wifi from the primary router. Now, if you want to bridge it and repeat the signal you have to run what is called wireless bridge + WDS which allows half of your wireless bandwidth to be used for the bridge connection and the other half as a repeater of the signal (act as an AP). If you can physically run a cat5 cable from one router to the other you will yield lots of better results.