Robot concerns

Recently I've been hearing about how robots will be taking over the world and eliminating jobs. Is this a valid concern?

If valid, which industries are going to feel it first if it's not happening already, with respect to jobs. I'm more doubtful about robots actually running things (I don't think they'll take the place of bigwigs such as the President of the US).

Can you clarify this?
Robots and automated machinery have been taking over people's jobs for a good while now. Really, any sufficiently repetitive assembly line work can (and is) done by machines.
The thing to look at if you are wanting a job in the future is find a education in maintenancing the equipment that takes over the jobs cause in reality all machines and robots have a required maintenance to be performed.
Modern assembly lines are almost completely ran by automated machines. So yes it's a valid concern. However it's doing more good to the world than harming it.
Watson could potentially replace doctors. it could examine blood and symptoms and come up with a more accurate diagnosis.
Some further thoughts on this matter

I recall reading that back in the 1800's, there was an uproar by mill workers about being replaced due to some innovative technology back then. Then later on I read something else which I'm sure referred to the same thing that this new technology (relative to that time) generated many new jobs.

Sure, robots have to be maintained but then why not have robots maintain each other? I'm wondering what the government plans to do about this?
Sure, robots have to be maintained but then why not have robots maintain each other? I'm wondering what the government plans to do about this?
Maintenance of machinery is far more complicated than your average assembly line work, and the machines would have to be somewhat intelligent which is beyond what currently can be practically done. And even then, they wouldn't be able to completely replace humans.

And then, who maintains the maintenance robots? More robots? That would just be a never-ending loop. Themselves? Then they will need to have "knowledge" of different kinds of other robots, and the aforementioned intelligence requirement suddenly becomes much, much higher.