retrieve deleted history


New Member
Hi I am new to this site and have joined as I need help, and have nowhere else to turn. As far as I can tell my husband is cheating on me and I am about to walk out of 8 years of marriage, but I could be wrong and I can't throw everything we have away without being sure.

He is deleting the history in our laptop of what websites he has visited, and I think he is upto something. Is there anyway I can retrieve this information to find out what he is doing.

I know it is spying but I can not live like this any longer and I do not want to throw my marriage away if I am wrong.

We have a Dell laptop and it is Vista.

Sorry I have very little computer knowlege so would need it all in idiot form. Please somebody help me I need to sort all this mess out and get on with my life.

Sorry I should also say if I cannot retrieve deleted history, is there anyway I can record or log future activity of what he is doing, so it will be stored somewhere he cannot delete it.
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If he is looking at porn that might give you a reason to look at your relationship.Could be he has bought you a present.You could check he's bank statements to find out if he is paying money online.I hope he is buying you a present,good luck.